You’re accomplishing professional photo effects that will be getting you kudos from the family and friends. Don’t bother looking for an instruction book. Do you hate the handholding? Move on to the EXPERT MENU where you can deconstruct, over-ride, or simply nudge the effects as you wish. or take a leap into the GUIDED MENU where you can do some professional effects. Jump in, import a photo, and select a touchup under the QUICK MENU. I need to correct the color and quality of the old pics. I’m an amateur photographer with thousands of family photos dating back into the 1950s and, of course, many more recent photos. This is an easy program with which to succeed.
These included a color-corrected version, an old-newspaper version, a “stepping to of the picture frame” version, a puzzle version and a pop-art version. It took me about 2 hours for 5 different photo variations after I installed the program on my Mac.
I’ve attached 2 variations of a photo I took at the Houston Museum, edited using Photoshop elements. Photoshop Elements 15 and Adobe Premiere Elements 15 Mac/Win